Wednesday, June 22 12:00 pm (link) -
Land of the Free
I know people might have different opinions about this, but in the utmost manner of objectivity, looking at this without any emotion at all, This May Be Where We Are Headed:
Yep, the House has passed an Amendment banning Flag-Desecration. No matter how you feel about America, the premise behind this whole thing is utterly ridiculous. I'm not saying we'll be arrested for it, I know they won't be peering into my house to make sure I don't use the flag as a blanket, but the idea of sending someone to jail for what they do to their own cloth... I wonder how many country singers will have to get rid of their wardrobes of American-Flag shirts. Cause those are so ugly it has to be desecration.
I wanted to make a comic, but I'm at work, so this is the best I could do. Sorry for cribbing, and then destroying, your style Evan.