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  Rockstar Weekend

Thursday, July 28 7:16 am (link) -
Who DOESN'T want to hear Wonderwall?
Sit near any acoustic-guitar player that looks at all fratty and without fail that song gets pulled out within about 3 songs. Other popular choices include that Eagle Eye Cherry or whoever song "Save Tonight," the "Time of Your Life" song by Greenday and probably some Simple Plan or Hoobastank song. I don't know. Yech. Acoustic drivel.

I think in the original version the guy mentioned that he was in a band. I don't know if the fact that he doesn't in this version detracts from the strip or not. Probably not. This douche might make further appearances, though.

Also, Evan's Comic is awesome today. Awesome. You'll Have That is good, too. I'd never read the strip before but it's alright. The wife's upside-down ponytail makes me angry, though. The strip on a whole looks like it draws heavily from The Norm, which used to be a nice newspaper strip. It emulates both the artistic style and the view that punchlines aren't always necessary. So... you know what you're getting into if you read back comics.

Okay, actually, today's You'll Have That is only good if you don't read back too many comics. The more you read, the less funny today's is.
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