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  Rockstar Weekend
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Sunday, April 8 6:29 am (link) -
Apologies to Everyone Who Has Had to Hang Out with Me Lately...
Cassadaga itself is enjoyable, if not as angsty as I'd like.

The Bright Eyes talk quickly became this:

The new Nine Inch Nails is a little... slow. Man, I wish he'd do something more like The Fragile.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
The first two X-Men movies were remarkably balanced. They offered great action thrills, but did it alongside...
What's Going On
Just wanted to update you on a few things to expect soon from . dot C.O.M. 1) We're...
January: The Buzzkill Month
“Can you believe it’s February already? ” I work in a file room, surrounded by co-workers...