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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, January 18 6:32 am (link) -
The creator, and star, of Everyone Drunk But Me has a birthday today. That's super. So is she.
Wednesday, January 18 12:26 am (link) -
Current Headline: "Pair of pooches help save owner's life"
Sure, you know that the Nikkei was suspended. But did you know that at 12:58am Eastern?

The more important question is, did I need to know that? The answer: Not really. Basically, not at all. The Moose story really was a front-page story yesterday on CNN's website, though. But it was a video article. I can't stand the video articles. I need something to read in one minute and then to move on to something else. I can't wait for shit to download or whatever. Buffer.

The original header for this was "My RSS Feed is the Reload Button," but I realized it might give people the mistaken impression that Erik is hitting reload instead of reading the moose story. I guess it works either way.

Starting Point is great today. Seriously.
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January: The Buzzkill Month
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