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  Rockstar Weekend
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Friday, January 13 8:21 am (link) -
Stereotyping is Easier
It's interesting going out with guy friends who normally really behave themselves around their girlfriends. Something switches off in their brain, and they realize that they aren't accountable, really, for their actions. Add alcohol and the stupidity really comes out. "My girlfriend would never let me take a tandem bike off a pier while wasted at 2am! Now's my chance!" These things happen. That's what friends are for.

Apparently I'm in a wager with Death of the Party's Jon Fischer over the Redskins/Seahawks game. Or, as he would have you believe, the Seahawks/Redskins game. While both of us remain Packer fans, we're both supporting our respective current places of residence in this contest of athleticism. Whoever's team wins gets to draw their character in the other person's strip some day next week. So, seeing as how Holmgren is going to choke, hopefully you'll see one of my characters over there. We'll see how it goes.

There is a new Starting Point today, and Everyone Drunk But Me will return on Monday. As will Rockstar Weekend.
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