Thursday, December 22 7:21 am (link) -
I'm Watching Bowl Games, See You in 2006
Happy Holidays, kids. I'm going on vacation now, and will largely be away from computers until 2006. So basically, there won't be any more new comics until the College Bowl Series is over. Hope you can hold out until January. If you are bored during the Holiday Season, I recommend either Starting Point or Everyone Drunk But Me. Flip through their archives. If you would like to read more Rockstar Weekend, there are a few storylines from this past year that you might enjoy re-reading.
The Party Story Arch
The Wedding Fiasco
The Cliches Series
As for the above-mentioned bowl games, there are so many games, and so many teams, it can get a little difficult to figure out who you're supposed to root for. My family uses a pretty decent system, and it tranlates for March Madness as well. It's a little flexible, but basically you root for:
1.Wisconsin- Go Bucky!
2.Family-affiliated schools- sister attends UVA, Aunt taught at WSU, etc
3.Wisconsin schools over non-Wisconsin schools- more applicable to Bball
4.Big 10 Schools
5.Pac 10 Schools- sister conference of Big 10
6.North over South- Union, baby.
7.Against Florida or Texas- whenever possible
8.State Schools over Non-State schools- Michigan State over Michigan, etc
9.Directional Schools over Non-directional schools- example: Western Michigan over Michigan, or Northwestern over Indiana. Though it gets dicey when the direction is South...
10.Miscellaneous- any personal grudges, or random preferences. For example, chose Southern Miss over Arkansas State because Southern Miss is Favre's alma mater.
You can customize that system to apply to your region of the country, college you / your family attended, or whatever. My dad's system is now tied pretty tightly to the Blue State / Red State divide, with the bluer the state, the more he roots for them. That's a pretty recent development, though. It's kind of a continuation on the North vs. South theme.
As I write this, I'm 2 for 2. I'm sure that I won't keep that % going, but I also won't be updating my blog, so there.