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  Rockstar Weekend
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Tuesday, December 13 7:15 am (link) -
Concert Connexions
I'm pretty sure this comic (from 2003?) refers to either a Mates of State show I wasn't overly fond of or a pop-skater-punk show that I went to for reasons remaining unkown but probably because somebody I went with knew someone in one of the bands. This is also what I picture going to the Warped Tour must be like.

I didn't really review the Pretty Girls Make Graves show I went to, but it rocked really hard. Some people who had never heard the band came with me and all of them also thought it rocked. It's always nice when you make people listen to something and it actually goes over well. Also, I met the band and they were very nice and awesome. Andrea Zollo (lead singer) is totally hot, and the entire band was more than willing to talk and shit, which was cool. Also, apparently they enjoy pocket anagram videogames. So... there's that.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
The first two X-Men movies were remarkably balanced. They offered great action thrills, but did it alongside...
What's Going On
Just wanted to update you on a few things to expect soon from . dot C.O.M. 1) We're...
January: The Buzzkill Month
“Can you believe it’s February already? ” I work in a file room, surrounded by co-workers...