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  Rockstar Weekend
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Tuesday, August 2 7:43 am (link) -
Fixered uppers
Thank you for reading our comics. I hope you enjoy them. I enjoy reading the other two.

If you'll notice, we now have the author's name listed next to the date and time and blog link on the upper right portion of the blog post. The name links to the author's e-mail address, in case the whole Contact Page was too much work, and just for general convenience. We figured this would make things just that much easier for Laura Beth Brandt's army of rabid fans to get in touch with (stalk) her. We'll see how it works out. Now I have to go and totally write Evan Rytlewski a fan letter. I hear he's even better looking in person.

If you need stuff to do, Diesel Sweeties was pretty good today, and Death of the Party is continuing with a little light B & E.
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