Tuesday, June 14 7:39 am (link) -
Neuroses? ...or DECORUM? I Ask You.
At what point do perceptions of decency, dignity, and modesty end and minor mental disorders begin?
Sorry if that seems wierd. I stick by it, though. We have a medium-sized office (20 people?) but the men's room has only three stalls. It's just too intimate a setting for me to be using the stall next to my boss. The superb acoustics of the small restroom break down the boss / non-boss hierarchy in a way that can't quite be explained in type. Personally, I'll wait until he's at his desk, thanks.
I was going to say this is my first strip to even use bathroom humor, but I did that comic about drinking in the bathroom, so that comment is right out. I don't really do fart jokes often, though. I was afraid this comic would turn out too much like a teen comedy, but in the end I felt strongly enough about the strip to do it anyway. Also, I loved Evan's comic today.