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  Rockstar Weekend
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Friday, June 3 10:45 am (link) -
New stuff
LB, I thought the boob poking was your punchline. Though I couldn't figure out the connection between that and teddy bears. Mike has a new column up. It's very Warriors specific, so if you aren't into rollerskating gang leaders... I really don't know what you're doing on this site. I mean, let's be honest. The Bright Eyes interview with Peta ad on the left always makes me smile. I've never clicked on it, but I'm sure he talks about animals in a really empathetic way.
Friday, June 3 7:54 am (link) -
I don't like tie-dye. It offends my sense of aesthetics almost as much as it offends normal senses of decency and decorum. Neons yellow, green, red, orange, blue all mashed together never looks good. It looks terrible. Always. Tie-dye is up there with giant animal pictures on t-shirts or white jeans (no, Gap. They are ugly.) Although I was impressed when the office tech guy had the audacity to where tie-dye on Casual Friday. I mean, it's casual, but we're still an office. This isn't some ultimate frisbee game, or State Fair.

Basically, when dressing as well as when creating art, one should go by what my art TA used to call "The Trapperkeeper Rule." If you mix more than, say 3 wildly divergent colors together you lose the sense of focus, and your art (or shirt) begins to look just like the cover to pretty much every Trapperkeeper Target (ShopKo for old-school WI) ever sold. So don't do it.

Oh, and yes this comic is not a recently-drawn one but instead one drawn up from the vault. It's been a really long, up-late week.

[update - didn't see any march. street wasn't blocked off. dissappointed.]
So there is a big (hopefully) march going on in DC today in an effort to demonstrate against Bush's plans to disassemble (English definition, not Bush definition, though that fits in with it) Social Security. How do I know? I got an e-mail. Best part: the path they've chosen.

"As President Bush continues to push his scheme to privatize Social Security and slash benefits for middle-class families, hundreds of concerned citizens from across the country and the region will take to the streets of Washington D.C. tomorrow, Friday, June 3, 2005, at 2:30 pm and march to the White House to tell President Bush "Hands Off My Social Security."

Citizens will gather at the Washington Hilton's main entrance (1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW) at 2:30 pm tomorrow and will proceed down Connecticut Avenue towards the White House, rallying in Lafayette Park."

I work on Connecticut. I hope they take up the whole street and it looks awesome. I haven't seen a huge parade from an office window since the Twins won the World Series twice. Mike Keller knows the feeling from when he was a kid and the Cubs won...oh.

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