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  Starting Point
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Wednesday, March 15 7:07 am (link) -
Ending it all
The next couple of strips will wrap up Professor Howardson's storyline. I was debating whether to even run them or not, since he wasn't really much of a character during this incarnation of Starting Point. I didn't run a lot of his strips because I didn't want to use too much college humor (I don't care for it that much, and there's so many crappy college strips out there). Also, a lot of these strips ran out of order, so a storyline where he moves in with my other characters just seemed kind of weird - originally, that should have happened much later in the strip's run, but because I messed up a bit, it happens way too early in the bigcheesepress chronology and doesn't make a lot of sense.

Anyway, had I run the strips the right way, he would have slowly revealed himself as a sort of dynamic character. He should have gone from being sort of an obnoxious authority figure to becoming something or a flawed father figure, a much older version of some of my other characters. As lame as this sounds, he also embodied many of the existential themes of the strip (or he was supposed to, again, I cut many of his strips out, but he often paraphrases Camus and Sartre... in one strip that never ran, he has a poster of Camus in his office. You haven't lived until you've seen me MS Paint Camus.)

Anyway, my point is, this is a character that deserved more from me... I feel bad that I screwed him over on Maybe after my strip ends, I'll post some of his "deleted scenes," so to speak."

On a different note, it's been pointed out to me that the guy with the beard looks a lot like Laura Beth's boyfriend, Doug. An odd coincidence, since I drew this two or three years before I met Doug.

Evan ()

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