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  Everyone Drunk But Me
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Tuesday, September 27 12:29 am (link) -
Awww, Sam Neill
Awww Sam Neill, why you have to be so angry looking all the time? Why can't you loosen up a little? What are you so mad at?

Why can't you be a little nicer? Like in The Hunt for Red October when you just wanted to go to Montana and own an RV? Or how about In Jurassic Park? You were so nice-- remember, you ran around rescuing people and stuff? You were great! And even Jeff Goldblum wanted to be a good guy like you, remember? He tried to help the kids like you did and just ended up getting attacked by the T-Rex? That was pretty good, do you remember that? Remember Jeff Goldblum getting attacked by the T-Rex? Remember?



(I was looking for a picture of a little, yelling Anna Paquin-- no dice)
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